Where should IDs be numbered in a clean architecture?

When designing a software system with Clean Architecture, one of the key considerations is how and where to generate unique identifiers (IDs) for entities. Clean Architecture, a concept popularized by Robert C. Martin, suggests a way to organize a system so that it's easy to maintain, test, and scale. It does so by dividing the system into distinct layers, each with its own responsibility. But within this well-organized structure, where exactly should ID generation occur? Let's delve into this topic and explore the best practices for ID generation in the context of Clean Architecture.

The Essence of Clean Architecture

Before we tackle ID generation, it's essential to understand the basic structure of Clean Architecture. It consists of four main layers:

  1. Entities: These are the core business objects of your application.

  2. Use Cases: This layer contains the business rules that operate on the entities.

  3. Interface Adapters: This layer adapts data from the format most convenient for use cases and entities, to the format most convenient for external agencies such as databases or the web.

  4. Frameworks & Drivers: The outermost layer, which includes tools like databases and web frameworks that your application depends on.

Where to Generate IDs?

According to Clean Architecture principles, ID generation should logically occur in or around the Use Case layer. This approach stems from several reasons:

  • Entity Independence: Entities, being the core business objects, should be agnostic of how their IDs are generated to maintain their reusability and independence.

  • Flexibility for Use Cases: Different use cases might require different strategies for ID generation. Some entities might be best served by UUIDs, while others might need simple sequential numbers. Handling ID generation at the Use Case layer allows for this flexibility.

  • Separation from Infrastructure: Tying ID generation too closely to the infrastructure (such as relying on a database's auto-increment feature) can lead to a tight coupling that Clean Architecture aims to avoid. By abstracting ID generation away from the infrastructure, we ensure the business logic's independence.

Practical Considerations

In practice, the implementation of ID generation can vary based on specific application requirements or constraints. For instance, if an application's entities require IDs that are generated externally (e.g., by an external service or through specific infrastructure capabilities), these details might be managed at the Interface Adapter or Infrastructure layers. However, the initiation and coordination of these operations should still be governed by the Use Cases layer to adhere to the decoupling principles of Clean Architecture.


In Clean Architecture, the question of where to generate IDs is more than a technical detail—it's a decision that impacts the maintainability, scalability, and flexibility of your application. By favoring the Use Case layer for ID generation, you ensure that your entities remain independent, your application can flexibly accommodate different ID generation strategies, and your business logic stays decoupled from the infrastructure. This approach not only aligns with the principles of Clean Architecture but also sets the stage for a system that is easier to test, maintain, and evolve over time.